Ascent Academy

We are committed to delivering the best opportunities and services to our clients by leveraging our expertise and resources, and continuously striving to improve and innovate in order to drive growth and ensure success.

We provide internship to all buding developers.

At our organization, we are committed to promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equality. We believe that everyone deserves a fair chance to succeed in their careers and that everyone has something valuable to offer. We also believe in transparency, accountability, and open communication.

On what Domain do we offer internships ?

Our page offers a wide range of internships and opportunities that come at no cost to you. We provide resources and support to help you find and apply to programs that suit your interests and goals. Join our community and take the first step towards your dream career today!

Ascent Academy provides a learning internship, so you will not be paid. But there are mentors available to guide you through each task, and review your work. The internship is performance-based, so at the end of your tenure, if you are among the top 1% interns, you can become a mentor yourself! With that, you'll be eligible for the Letter of Recommendation.

Manav Rao

It's the best place for work for any begineer irrespective of any domain or field just apply and you will be able to work and learn. I had a fun learning and doing projects on my own and even posting any doubts or queries in the social group of the company.

Pooja Kumari

Ascent Academy provides candidates to work with good projects which are relevant in the real world. The projects are peer-reviewed hence it helps in understanding the overall quality of the project.

Sailesh Kumar